
ok, ok. I have failed miserably at my goal of updating this weekly, but I’m trying. Let’s see if I can catch you up since the last post. The past few weeks have been crazy busy preparing for midterms: 3 are done, and I still have 2 more over the next 2 weeks. Most of my time has been spent studying, but I have allowed a little time for fun too. A few weeks back we went to Cowboy’s dance hall for the Chris Caigle concert, and I got to ride the mechanical bull! 

bull riding

I’ve also had a bit of misfortune – About 2 weeks ago, my car got hit while I was driving home from school. It was raining, and the lady behind me tried to stop, but she hydroplaned into the back of my car   😦

My car is fixed already, but my body is healing a little slower. My neck was bothering me pretty badly, and I was getting headaches everyday for a while, but I’ve been to physical therapy a few times now, and I’m feeling a bit better. Hopefully I’ll be able to work out again soon.

2 responses to “Midterms……AAAAHHhhhhh!!!!!!

  1. Man, you are riding that thing like no other. Good to see an update! I can’t believe you’re doing midterms. That totally sucks.

  2. you look too funny on that mechanical bull! great picture 🙂
    sorry to hear about the accident. Thankful for hear that you’re fine for the most part. Hope that you’ll heal completely from it.

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